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    Love Loud Now is our way of partnering with local ministry opportunities as we go out the door and connect with people where we work, live, and play. Together we are a force for good, that can change our culture! 

    Be on the lookout for upcoming events where we head out into our community and change lives!  

  • Living room

    Living Room is our student ministry for grades 6th-12th. Our goal through Living Room is to create environments where students are encouraged to make wise choices, positively influence their friends, and experience personal ministry through serving others. These Sunday night experiences are the BEST way for students to get connected.  

    Living Room meets Sunday evening from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the main sanctuary of The Warehouse.  Students will experience a combination of music, games, teaching, and interaction with a dedicated small group leader.  

    Living Room's purpose is to lead students into a growing relationship with Jesus through Centering, Pointing, and Living.